Services for Faculty
Course Reserves
- Put an Item on Reserve
To put something on reserve, fill out this form and bring it with your materials to the main desk in Michener or Skinner Library. If you have an electronic version of the material for Michener Library, you can email the files to or Sarah Vaughn (
Please allow at least 48 hours for materials to be processed. All material must be accompanied by complete citation information.
For more information about Michener Library Course Reserves, please contact or Sarah Vaughn. If you’d like to add new material to Reserve, you can submit materials electronically with this form, or bring materials for scanning to the Michener Library Information & Services desk.
For more information about Skinner Music Library Course Reserves, please contact Cat Hildebrand or or visit the Skinner Music Library Circulation Desk.
- Print Reserve
Print Reserve materials can be books, articles, audiovisual materials, educational kits, or other materials either from the Library’s circulating collection or owned by the professor or department.
Please note that stickers and book pockets will be attached to personal materials for Reserve use. The Library assumes no responsibility for replacing personal materials should they be damaged or lost.
- Electronic Reserve
Electronic Reserve is a service whereby readings selected by faculty are scanned and stored online, usually as PDF files, and can be viewed and printed by registered UNC students. The Electronic Reserve service can also be used to direct students to an article available in an online journal database or other web resource. In addition, you can link to Electronic Reserves from Canvas.
Using Electronic Reserve
Bring materials for Electronic Reserve to the Michener Library main desk. Please provide clean copies, with complete citation information for any copyrighted material. The staff will be happy to scan book chapters for you. If you have an electronic version of the material – for instance, a set of lecture notes in a Word format – you can email the file along with the Reserve Form to or Sarah Vaughn ( Use of Electronic Reserve
From the library’s online catalog, a student can search for reserve materials by the name of the instructor or the course abbreviation. Once the student finds the appropriate course, s/he sees a list of all reserve materials, both paper and electronic. The student clicks on the appropriate Electronic Reserve item, provides his/her UNC Identification and can then view and print the material. - Copyright
Photocopies may be placed on Print or Electronic Reserve, with certain limitations. The Michener Library Reserve Policy is designed to comply with U.S. copyright law, based on the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976, and subsequent case law.
Copyright restrictions are a greater concern when course material is stored and accessed online than when the material is delivered in a paper format. The fair use provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 allow for limited use of copyrighted materials in certain circumstances, and the use of Electronic Reserve may fall under those provisions. In general, more than one article from a single journal issue or more than one chapter from a book may require permission from the copyright holder. Likewise, if you wish to use the same material for the same course for more than one semester, copyright permission will probably be required. Library staff will work with you to obtain copyright permission.
No copyright permission is required for:
- Exams/quizzes
- Lecture Notes
- Items in the Public Domain (e.g., selections from Tom Sawyer)
- Government Publications
- One semester use of one article from a journal issue
- One semester use of one chapter from a book, including an anthology
- One poem
Copyright permission may be required for:- The same journal article or book chapter on Reserve for more than one semester
- More than one article from a single journal issue
- More than one chapter from a single book
To determine if placing copyrighted materials on Reserve is a fair use of those materials, please see the Library Reserve Fair Use information sheet or speak with a Reserve staff member.
For further information about Electronic Reserve, please contact email or contact Sarah Vaughn (
Library Instruction Request
- What We Do
Library faculty members provide instruction in the use of the library to all teaching faculty and their classes.
Core Concepts for Information Literacy and Library Research in the Classroom explains the concepts that are frequently covered in library instruction.
- Schedule Instruction
To schedule a session for your class, fill out the Library Instruction Request Form or contact Library Instruction at 970-351-1529. Please request your session at least two weeks in advance to allow for sufficient planning based on the needs of your course. The faculty member must attend the instruction session.
Library Instruction Request Form
Ordering Materials for Collections
- Purchase Request Form
To request materials for purchase by Michener Library or Skinner Music Library, please complete the purchase request form.
- Check Out Items
With a valid UNC ID card, faculty members may borrow books for a full semester. Faculty may renew materials an indefinite number of times if no "hold" has been placed on the item.
Faculty may check out videotapes and DVDs for one week, with two renewals.
Research assistants may check out materials from the library by special arrangement of the faculty member.
- Renew
You can renew your materials:
- Online through the Renew/Check Holds link in the Libraries online catalog
- By phone at 970-351-2671
- In-person at the main desk in Michener or Skinner Libraries
- Overdue/Lost Items
An item not renewed or returned after 28 days past the due date is considered lost. A replacement fee of $80.00 per item will be sent to Accounts Receivable. If the lost item is returned to the Library within one year of being declared lost, the $80.00 will be refunded. Faculty with 10 or more lost items will have borrowing privileges withheld. Privileges will be restored upon satisfactory restitution.
Services for Emeritus Faculty
- Available Services
Retired faculty honored with Emeritus status have special privileges at the University Libraries. Privileges for emeritus faculty are equivalent to those for current teaching faculty.
In addition, a technology-equipped study room on the second floor of Michener Library can be reserved for use by Emeritus faculty. The room contains a computer with internet access and a variety of software, as well as a large TV monitor that can be used to view content from the computer or from a video/DVD player. Ask about Room 258 at the main desk to make a reservation or check out the key.
To access databases or other online library resources, Emeritus Faculty will need a working UNC email account. Please contact UNC’s technical support center at 970-351-4357 for any questions about UNC email or logins.
Questions? Please contact Michener Library at 970-351-2671, Skinner Music Library at 970-351-2439, or email
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Skinner Hours
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Contact Us
Michener Library
Phone: 970-351-2671
Skinner Music Library
Phone: 970-351-2439